my heart whispers in words..

so lend me your eyes, and listen..

Thursday 18 November 2010

A Mild case of "Gongju-ism"

I am NOT drop dead gorgeous, so naturally, the Princess Syndrome does not seem fitting to a girl like me

So as the common understanding of the Princess Syndrome, its safe to say that I'm partially clear (am I?) of the symptoms, which would undeniable include these :

1. Spoilt and vain (I'm a lot of things, but these are NOT me)
2. Selfish ( I gave up my first love for my friend. Need I say more?)
3. Self-centered 
4. Proud of physical appearance ( -.-")
5. Wants everything to go THEIR way
6. Inconsiderate to other people, only wanting to fulfill their own needs
7. Hurts people's feelings a lot, throws a FREAKING HELL of a FIT when they are hurt
    ( Not me, if I'm hurt, I just go cry myself to sleep....)
8. Unaware of other people's thoughts (disgust? annoyment?) towards them
9. Superficial

And so the list continues...(writing the list was easier with a figure in my head...ngehehehe*evil*)

So, to be honest, externally, I don't really portray these symptoms. Or so I hope, but in dealing with some certain issues that I've been facing recently, I am starting to doubt my initial diagnosis. I think in my case, I have the mild form of this syndrome. 
-.-'' uh oh

Yeah, so you ask me why?

Reason # 1
Okay look. I have a GOOD boyfriend. He's really, um..nice. BUT apparently, he's tad dull?
So yeah, he's not really handsome like my Chunnie..
the love of my life, park yoochun <3

but then again..I'm not exactly Kim Tae Hee, am I?

That's when I start asking myself, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?
The scenario illustrates how superficial I am. Ring a bell?

Reason # 2
I feel that I'm on the verge of a breakup with my bf. (refer previous posts)
Because he doesn't :
  • Say that I'm pretty when I dress up
  • Say that my cooking is nice
  • Compliment me by saying stuff like "Your voice was the reason I fell in love with you." It had to come from my ex. darn.
So yeah, it does sound like I'm demanding a lot rite? Mama says these are trivial matter. I say that I need these to live. How do I know he appreciates my beauty (*hmm,excuuuuuuse me*) if he doesn't say it? 
I mean heads DO turn when I actually go out, eyes DO ogle. And there my bf is, not saying a word of praise. Wth?
Okay, diagnosis :
--> isn't this self-centered + physically proudful? Sounds familiar?

Reason # 3
Further more, I'm somewhat convinced that he doesn't really know how lucky he is that I'm even putting up with all this crap, when I think I can be better off just flirting.
Or in any cases, actually find someone who actually knows.
Or lose a good guy like him.

Diagnosis : plain selfish. period.

Reason # 4
The thing that pisses me off MOST, however is, how OBLIVIOUS he is to this situations. That in a way, I'm NOT happy. That in a way, I want him to change.(I'm truly sorry I can't accept you just the way you are, Bruno. Why did i even type that down?)
He keeps saying that "I love every part of you." Well darling, that's pretty idealistic, but please, we both know that's NOT the case. You're making me look bad when you say that about me, and all I have is a list of complaints in return
Like honestly, how is anything going to improve if you just apologize without you even knowing the reason why you should be apologizing in the first place? 

So yeah, even after reading this, I kinda think that I'm a Beyotch too.
I totally swear, this is the FIRST time I'm bitching out loud about this. Before this, everything was in my head. Having said that, I think it's safe to say,

Yeah, I'm down with a case of Mild Pricess-ism.
And you know what? I have the freaking rights to
Every girl has her own worth. And its sexy when she actually knows how much worth she is.
 It shows that she is confident with herself, aware of her actions and words, and are actually observant enough to want to expect things from the people she cares.

So there. =P

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